What's happening this week in workers' compensation? IWP's weekly legislative wrap-up, State of the States, keeps you up to date on important matters within the workers' compensation and pharmacy arena.
This week's legislative wrap-up contains updates including:
- Workplace safety improvements coupled with staffing shortages nationwide contributed
to premium declines in recent years for workers’ comp.
- Last week, the NCCI released its findings from a survey of over 100 workers’ compensation executives regarding hot topics in the industry.
- The Industrial Commission in Arizona held a stakeholder meeting on December 9th to address workers’ compensation issues that arose this year.
- In New Jersey, legislators gear up for 2022 Garden State lawmakers pre-filed a measure that would allow medical cannabis to be reimbursed in workers’ compensation.
- Meanwhile in Pennsylvania, Statehouse lawmakers introduced HB2135 last week in response to the federal government’s vaccine mandates that faces court challenges.
- South Carolina is also considering a bill regarding the potential adverse effects of the covid-19 vaccine.

This edition includes an update on national news.
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