Injured Workers Pharmacy: News

Dealing with Chronic Pain? Check Out These Helpful Websites

Written by Rebecca Zsolnay | Nov 15, 2019 3:45:19 PM

According to The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH), 20% of all adults living in the U.S are dealing with chronic pain. Those injured on the job are no stranger to chronic pain and the negative effects it can have on everyday life.

The more you understand about your pain and how it can be managed through a variety of simple tools, the better chance you have at a positive outcome. The websites below are great resources for those dealing with chronic pain and give you easy access to things like advocacy groups and self-management methods.  

American Chronic Pain Association (APCPA)

The American Chronic Pain Association (APCPA) offers peer support and education for those dealing with chronic pain. The information and tools provided on their website are chalk full of ways to help you learn more about your pain and how you can effectively work with your health care team towards a higher quality of life.  The site gives users’ access to several resources, such as a list of conditions and treatments, self-management methods, pain management programs, frequently asked questions, and much more.

U.S Pain Foundation

The U.S Pain Foundation is an organization that focuses on empowering, educating, and advocating for people living with chronic conditions that cause pain. On their website, you’ll discover several resources that offer simple ways to combat the effects of chronic pain. The organization itself has many pain awareness programs, like the Invisible Project, Ambassador Network, Advocacy Network, and Pain Warriors which all exist to help real people living with real pain each day. The website also has educational material centered around causes and diagnosis, treatment, self-management, emotional wellbeing, and tons of other helpful information.

Institute for Chronic Pain (ICP)

The Institute for Chronic Pain (ICP) is an educational and public policy think tank whose mission is to make pain management more effective. All content on the site has been researched and is scientifically accurate information related to the field of chronic pain management. You’ll find content around understanding chronic pain, a huge list of common conditions, and several ways to treat chronic pain. ICP also has a blog packed full of information on topics like coping and stigmas of pain.

Chronic Pain Research Alliance

Chronic Pain Research Alliance is an organization that researches and provides information about the 10 most common chronic pain disorders and the potential for these to overlap with each other. These Overlapping Pain Conditions, or COPCs, are when a person is affected by two or more conditions at the same time.

Within the site, there is detailed bits of research focused on pain treatment effectiveness, pain studies, and new findings on managing pain. The site even has economic and quality of life research regarding the negative effects of pain.

Dealing with pain can sometimes be exhausting to individuals who suffer from a chronic pain condition. There are so many ways to deal with pain, but many feel that it’s hard to find the right method. By reading through the websites above, you’ll gain a better understanding on how to manage your chronic pain and become more aware of possible treatment plans.